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Outline of the Historical Timeline of the Usurpations


  1. Babylon and Sumer: The Sumerian Tablets and Accounting Records are among the earliest forms of money.  It is money that gives rise to civilization; it is not surplus agriculture.  Money allows the food to be distributed. It enables division of labor on a large scale and gives rise to commerce.  An accounting record is not valuable in itself, it measures and represents the value of the valuable good or service.

  2. However, at the beginning of the historical record, the clay tablets are mostly records of loans and debt, and when a borrower could not repay a loan they were made indentured servants until the debt was repaid, which in some cases lasted for generations.  

  3. Nothing has changed, and since the establishment of the Federal Reserve we are all debt and wage indentured servants to the banking system, including the bankers, the vast majority of whom do not know that they issue the money with an accounting entry.  

  4. In Egypt, the understanding of money as a receipt for a good or service that can circulate becomes established.  The Pharaoh (the religious and secular Sovereign) issues the receipts and regulates their value. For example, the Shekel, a receipt for a bushel of wheat, declines in value over the course of a year by about 10% to account for the loss of wheat to rodents, spoilage, etc. Each harvest, the old Shekels are turned in for new Shekels representing the value of the harvest.  Because the Shekel depreciates in value over the course of a year, it is not conducive for hoarding and therefore cannot be used to accumulate wealth. The wealth is in the monuments we visit to this day, demonstrating that when money is not valuable in itself, we naturally invest it in things of lasting value.  

  5. The Pharaoh cannot pay his army with Shekels since their utility is not recognized in the lands his army is conquering.  What is universally recognized as having value is money that is valuable in itself, i.e. gold (or silver).  Therefore receipts for wheat were the money of peace and gold the money of war and empire. 

  6. In the Greek and Roman Republics, the Senate issued the money and regulated its value as coins made of iron dipped in vinegar, so useless as metal.  This plentiful money gave rise to the amazingly rich cultures of the Greek and Roman Republics.

  7. When Alexander created the Greek empire and Caesar the Roman Empire: Gold, the money of the empire, became the money. In the Roman Empire, gold is claimed to be backing the currency and the monetary system becomes debt based in which interest is charged (usury).

  8. The Dark Ages result when the Roman Empire collapses because people increasingly doubt the value of the Roman currencies.  With no plentiful money, Feudalism (Clergy, Nobility, Serfs, and No Money) sets in. Money is scarce because gold and silver are scarce and hoarded by the Nobility and the Church.

  9. However, the Middle Ages, with its high culture, developed because of Market Money and Tallysticks.  Both market money and tally sticks are currencies that only measure and represent the value of the actually valuable goods and services.  As a result, there is no shortage of money and the culture can flourish. In the German city states (where the Cathedrals were built), one third of the population were Nobles (supervising), one third were clergy, and one third were farmers and crafts people in Guilds.  One third of the population working about 14 weeks of the year provided all the food, goods, and services needed by the entire population.  Usury was banned and punishable by death.  However, there was enough gold for foreign trade.

  10. Goldsmiths become Bankers who fund the Age of Discovery.  They create the Protestant Reformation and re-establish Gold as Money. The Doctrine of Discovery issued by the Pope, beholden to the Bankers and their receipts for gold, is all about plundering the New World for gold.  Everything that happens subsequently can be understood when we realize that the Goldsmiths become bankers when they lend at interest receipts for gold, way beyond the amount of gold in their vaults,  This meant that the goldsmiths who became bankers have to band together in a secret society in order to supply each other with gold when there is a run on the bank, and save the deception that the receipt for gold can be redeemed for gold.  The most important thing for the Bankers secret society to spend their ill gotten wealth on is creating a culture in which people do not understand the banking fraud!  They have been amazingly successful!

  11. The thirteen colonies were established by Land Grants and Corporate Charters by the King of England (after defeating the French).  The Colonists believe they are Englishmen protected by the Magna Carta and Common Law, and are loyal to the King.  The Governors are appointees of the King and the legislatures are from the white, male, protestant landowners (the American nobility).

  12. The King decreed that the colonists use only English coins, but there were never enough English coins to conduct commerce.  The English merchants would pay for cotton or tobacco or pelts with English coins and the colonists would send the coins right back to England to buy the finished goods they needed such as pewter and glass and manufactured goods.  

  13. The Problem of scarce Money in the Colonies led to many experiments.  The New England Woodland Tribes, especially the Iroquois, had a gift economy and no money, but they did acknowledge significant gifts and events (births and deaths, and agreements and treaties) with wampum, beads made from shells from the quahog clam with the white symbolizing Light and Happiness and the purple signifying death and tragedy.  Wampum was also a symbol for the status or esteem of a member of the tribe.  The history of how wampum became the coin of the colonies for 30 years is complicated, but is simple to understand.  The Native would honor the gift from a colonist of a horse or knife, etc. with wampum, but to the colonist it looked like payment.  Because English money was scarce, wampum served as money with purple being 10 times more valuable than white.  When the colonists set up factories to manufacture wampum, they flooded the market and inflated the value away.  The same thing happened to some degree with “bills of credit” issued by the colonial governments to pay for roads and bridges, the mail, etc..   “Bills of credit” had acceptable value because it was accepted in payment of taxes.  These circulated as money.  

  14. Benjamin Franklin wrote a pamphlet that circulated in the 1720’s called “The Utility and Necessity of a Paper Currency”.  During the 1730’s, each colony adopted a version of Colonial Scrip.  Colonial Scrip, issued as money by the legislature, in proper proportion so that the goods and services pass easily from the producer to the consumer, meant that money was not scarce and there was no artificial impediment to the productivity of the people.  By 1760 the Colonial economy had grown to rival England’s, probably surpassing it.  The Colonies were self providing!  At the behest of the Lords of Trade and Plantations in London (the Bank of England), the King and Parliament banned Colonial Scrip and by 1760, as the Colonies complied, a severe recession set in and created the conditions in which the people realized that they were no longer prosperous because of their loyalty to the Crown.  As Ben Franklin said:  The colonies would have gladly borne a little tax on tea had it not been for the woeful effect of banning their money.  

  15. Further, Benjamin Franklin stated “There seem to be but three ways for a nation to acquire wealth. The first is by war...This is robbery. The second is by commerce, which is generally cheating. The third is by agriculture, the only honest way, wherein man receives a real increase of the seed thrown into the ground, in a kind of continual miracle, wrought by the hand of God in his favor, as a reward for his innocent life and his virtuous industry.” This demonstrates that honest money is a receipt for grain. 

  16. The Continental Congress issued Continentals as the currency of the united States. They were readily accepted and served as evidence that the colonies were united and would be prosperous once again.  The Revolution was funded with money issued by the Congress.  The Continental was the essence of the Revolution, the inexcusable affront to the sovereignty of the King.  The British counterfeited the Continental to many times over the authorized issue (probably 8 times), resulting in the currency inflating and losing most of its value, until it was ‘not worth a Continental’. Since the people did not know that the Continental had been counterfeited, they did not trust paper money.  The Constitution stipulates that Congress shall have the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof and of foreign coin and fix the standard of weights and measures.  How have the banks succeeded in limiting the meaning of coin to not include paper money, or bank credit, or receipt for grain, etc? 

  17. After the Revolution was won, the Continentals inflated to about 5 cents on the dollar.  Hence the phrase “Not worth a Continental” which was used by the banking and law cartel to disparage Government issued money. Alexander Hamilton, the Secretary of the Treasury, sent his New York cronies to buy up the Continentals for pennies on the dollar.  Hamilton persuaded President Washington to redeem the Continentals for face value.  This resulted in the fortunes that made up the “Eastern Establishment”.   Thomas Jefferson strongly objected to the injustice this would represent and said that this would determine the future of the United States.  He was certainly right about that.

  18. The First Bank of the United States was proposed by Alexander Hamilton and it was modeled on the Bank of England based on the idea that money is a valuable-in-itself commodity backed by Gold and the money power is too important to be trusted to politicians.  The bank was supposed to be capitalized with Gold, but in ways that defy belief it was capitalized with money it issued to the Stockholders, claiming to be backed by Gold.  20% of the stock was given to the Federal Government, but the rest was subscribed mostly by what we call the Eastern Establishment and English and European bankers.  The primary tool of the sovereign, issuing the money, was in the hands of private bankers.  And the states were prohibited from issuing money by the Constitution.  So the privately owned Bank of the United States issued the National Currency - the dollar - as a debt to itself.  This, of course, created the National Debt.  The bank had a 20 year charter.  Congress was dissatisfied with the performance of the bank and refused to renew its charter.   The War of 1812, despite the official story, was all about punishing the United States for not renewing the British stockholders’ private control of the American economy through their bank.  Congress got the message and renewed the charter for another 20 years.  

  19. Andrew Jackson was the hero of the War of 1812.  He knew it was a banker's war and vowed to kill the Bank, which he did.  As President, he vetoed the renewal of the bank’s charter; and his tombstone says “I killed the bank!”  He paid off the National Debt and had the Federal Government use State Chartered banks.  Tragically Andrew Jackson did not understand money well enough to have Congress issue it. Therefore, State Chartered banks issued the national currency as supposedly gold backed notes, but as loans, debts to themselves.  

  20. Public Education played a key role in this control by the bankers of the economy because no real understanding of money would be taught.  This is true to this day!

  21. President Lincoln issued the Greenback as fiat money to fund the Union in the Civil war.  The official story is that Greenbacks were an emergency currency not suitable except in war time, but just like Continentals which were fiat money and won the Revolution, Congress issued them and Greenbacks won the war.  

  22. Populism:  The Greenback was so successful that a political movement developed that united the farmers and the factory workers demanding that Greenbacks be restored.  This movement went through many iterations of third party politics because then, as now, the banking cartel controlled both major parties.  A few quotes from those days:  Peter Cooper:  “This bondage has its manifold center and secret force in more than 2,000 banks that are scattered throughout the country… Such a power of wealth, under the selfish instincts of mankind, will always be able to control the action of our government unless that government is directed by the strict principles of justice and of the public welfare.  The bankers will favor a course of special legislation to increase their power … they will never cease to ask for more … so long as there is more that can be wrung from the toiling masses of the American People … The struggle with this money power has been going on from the beginning of the history of this country.”  And William Jennings Bryan:  “Man is the creature of God and money is the creature of man.  Money is made to be the servant of man and I protest against all theories that enthrone money and debase man.  The right to coin money and issue money is a function of the government.  It is part of sovereignty and can no more be delegated with safety to individuals than we could afford to delegate to private individuals the power to make penal statutes or to levy taxes.”  and  “ If they [the bankers] dare to come out in the open field and defend the gold standard as a good thing, we will fight them to the utmost, having behind us the producing masses of this nation and the world.  Supported by the commercial interests, the laboring interests, and the toilers everywhere.  We will answer their demand for a gold standard by saying to them:  You will not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns,  You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.” 

  23. The year 1913 settled the matter and the bankers won.  The Federal Reserve, the Income Tax, and the Direct Election of Senators all happened in 1913.

  24. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 gave the banking cartel the ability to take over the government and co-opt the money supply. As allegedly stated by Mayer Amschel Rothschild, patriarch of the Rothschild banking dynasty, “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.” President Wilson later came to regret signing the bill, stating: "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

  25. For additional historical consideration, see the following - Linked are; the 1871 Organic Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia, access to the Organic Laws with a Preface, the 1776 unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America and the 1777 Articles of Confederation, and three Pennsylvania ACTs;  from 1700 an ACT AGAINST BARRATORS and FALSE SWEARING, from 1782, an ACT to prevent the erecting any new and independent STATE within the limits of this commonwealth and, from 1781, an ACT to Incorporate the SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Bank of North America; an ACT that was (apparently) passed in 1782, repealed in 1785, and revived in 1787; six (6) months before the U.S. Constitution was ratified by nine (9) States that had not submitted their Constitutions to "the people" for ratification.  All of which may have added to the Ashwander Rules as those Rules relate to “Current” / Currency and the workings which may now be defined as a “Wheel Conspiracy” - 

  26. The Bank of North Dakota (  While this was a profound initiative by the farmers to create a public bank to benefit the people, it never addressed the issue of defining money.  Public Banking and the movement to create public banks led by Ellen Brown will need to be paired with a call for a Jubilee.  Usury is the problem, the idea that the money is capable of increasing, whether with a private or a public bank.  The solution is no usury at all, and a jubilee forgiving all bank loans and banning usury.  Equity investments by the people who create the value, not an elite, allow the money to measure the increase in value, and require the issuing of new money to represent the increase.  This reform, jubilee and only equity investments, will heal society, unleash the creativity of the people, and create a just and sustainable abundance.

  27. The idea that the people can govern themselves and issue money to fund what they agree would be good does not require laws.  There should only be one law:  Do No Harm, and only one legitimate function of government, to adjudicate harm. 

  28. When everything is a voluntary initiative motivated by love, we, the people, will create what we desire, and adjudicate any harm by restoring harmony in our community.

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