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Join the Unity Team and
Co-create The World We Know in Our Hearts is Possible

Are you wondering about the future of humanity?

Do you agree with Buckminster Fuller that: “You never change things by fighting the existing system. To change something build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.” ?
Have you become disillusioned by the recent events and the behavior of world leaders, the media, the medical system, big Pharma and others especially since 2020?
Are you ready and willing to become the change, and create the world you know in your heart is possible?

Join us in creating Jural Assembly Communities!

Fund with Community Created Credit and our own bank

Govern with active consent

Revendicate the Declaration of Independence and Natural Law

We also offer a seminar when 20 or more people sign up for it.
Click to Express you interest, Sign Up, Read the syllabus, or read more information.

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